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Bathroom Decorating Tips

A nicely decorated bathroom exhibits your guests the level of interest you have in decorating your home. This is because your bathroom design and decorations show off your personal tastes more than any other room in your house.

However, just putting pictures on bathroom’s walls is not bathroom decorations. You need to consider more on the necessities and visualize how the bathroom can be made wonderful to see.

The wall paint of the bathroom is the most noticeable of all bathroom decorations; therefore, it is a good idea to paint a fresh, clean color on your bathroom wall. You can even repaint your bathroom yourself in a weekend. If you want to you can consider one of the faux finishes that will make your bathroom walls really unique and appealing.

However, if your bathroom walls are already in a good condition then you can simply stencil a simple border or design around the baseboard, ceiling, mirror, or bathroom window. You just need to ensure that you select an attractive color for the stencils and a contrasting color for the baseboard.

One idea is to paper your bathroom walls to create an artistic look. Select paper that can last on humid areas and choose the suitable paste for sticking them to the wall. If you do not want to paper your whole bathroom, you can paper on one wall as it can really change the whole space. Moreover, you can add border wallpapers that you can easily purchase from the hardware store. A significant difference can be added to your bathroom decoration by using a chic border of 6 in. to 12 in. below the ceiling, above wall tile, around the bathroom mirror, or bordering a doorway.

A toilet, a sink and a bath with matching taps and handles are essentials of any bathroom suite. However, other bathroom appliances and furniture include bidets, sauna, bathroom cabinets, full view mirrors and storage compartments for the toiletries and other bathroom accessories.

Using the above mentioned tips in decorating your bathroom will surely add an appeal and interest in your bathroom.

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